Having the Bible is often something I take for granted. It is something I have somehow grown used to. Thinking that “it’s just a book we read.” Wow, is that such a lie of the world. Something I have been learning is that the Bible is God’s love letter to us. Now this is something I have heard before, but let us not just hear that, but embrace that fact. The truth is, God did not have to leave us the Bible. God didn’t even have to use man to write the Bible, but in His goodness He did. He could have said “figure it out.” He could have snapped His fingers and had a picture perfect Bible in front of us. But He didn’t. God chose to write the Bible using His creation. He chose to leave behind a book full of history, encouragement, and hope. Why? Why would a perfect God who owes us nothing do this? Because He delights in His children. He delights every time we pick it up and read about who He is. Because that is the thing, the Bible isn’t about us, it’s about Jesus! Now, don’t get me wrong, the Bible is applicable to our lives, but when we take Jesus out of the center of it we have missed the point. This is God’s book of love, salvation, hope, joy, and promises to His people. The Bible is anything but ordinary!
So often I ask the Lord to speak to me (which He still does today!). However, I believe a major way He still talks is through His Word! The Bible is living and active, because it was written by the living God! So knowing this, we can see why it is a treasure. The Bible should be greater than gold to us. The stories we know and read, THEY HAPPENED! So often I will read and think “that’s cool” but I’m not realizing that these aren’t fables. The stories we read of God parting the Red Sea, saving the Israelites from slavery, coming as a cloud by day and fire by night, these things actually happened! The stories of Jesus healing people of various diseases, of raising the dead, or Him dying and raising again, actually happened! These aren’t passive stories, these are the truth because they came from the very source of truth. The verses we have grown accustomed too, are powerful! This is something the Lord has been convicting me of: growing numb to the power of His word based on how often I’ve heard it. From verses like John 3:16, Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 28:19, or whatever the verse might be, it’s powerful and purposeful. Even if it something that is used abundantly, it is still God’s living word. John 3:16 for example, maybe the most known bible verse, literally tells the entire gospel! It’s a verse that tells the good news and how can I bore of hearing the best news there ever was and is? I pray that we all not grow numb to these words, whether we’ve heard them a hundred times or never before. In His word we learn who God is, and He is so worth knowing. I heard a pastor one time say “if there is more to know about Jesus, I HAVE TO KNOW!” If we can know God, then we have know Him, and He gave us a whole book that pours out who He is, and how He still moves today. Our God is the same God He was in Genesis 1:1 as He is today.
Through learning and processing this the Lord has put it on my heart to pray through scripture. Now I’ll be the first to admit, I am still growing in this. But I believe there is great power in praying His words. When you don’t know what to say, when you feel you have too much to say, look at scripture. Go to the ultimate source of truth. Because there is a God who is waiting to be known and to know you within those pages. Recently He has led me to praying through the Lord’s Prayer everyday (mostly). Again, this is something that I had become numb to, and didn’t realize the power of what I was praying. Each line is full of His goodness and love, and the glory He deserves.
God is so good. He is so worth knowing. And He longs to be known. I pray to never think of the Bible as ordinary. To never become accustomed to it. But for a fresh revelation everyday of the fact that my Father, left this book so I could know Him, and tell others about Him.
Lord even now, I pray for an increase in desire, a burning desire, to read your word. You say to meditate on it day and night, would you continue to teach me this. You are so good Abba, thank You for how You love us. Thank You for Your Word.
With Joy,