Jesus, thank You for Your reckless and pursuing love.
Thank you for every way You have walked, and do walk, with me in my life.
Thank you for meeting me at the dining room table as a 7 year old.
Thank You for meeting me again as an 18 year old on a “random” college campus.
Thank You for continually changing me and drawing me even closer to You as a 22 year old.
Thank You that there is so much to know about You. Thank You for the ways I have gotten to see you move and work these past 6.5 months. But also, thank You for how you reveal to me the ways You have been working the same ways all throughout my life.
Thank You for every person reading this Jesus. I pray that You would just fill their hearts with awareness of who You are. Of your deep love for them. Lord, we say so often that we know that You love us, but God we cannot begin to comprehend Your love for us. I pray over every person reading this, every person who has given to me, and just every person I meet, that they would not only “know” your love, but experience it! That they would be overwhelmed and overcome by Your unconditional love. It’s not something to be earned, it’s a gift. It’s a promise. Thank You that your love is so much deeper than we could ever know. And I am sorry for how often I put it on the same scale as human love. God Your love, is so much greater and bigger! It knows no depth nor height. It cannot be contained, it is reckless! It is a reckless love, that leaves the 99 to find the 1. It is a reckless love that goes against every norm our society has built. It is a reckless love that is unconditional and uncontainable. It is a reckless love that forgives every wrong if asked. It is a pursing love that never gives up. It is a pursuing love that never loses hope. It is a pursuing love that changes everything. It is a reckless, pursuing love that You have for EVERY person. Would their eyes be opened to it Lord! Would You always be unveiling our eyes to more and more of Your love. We can never get enough!
And Lord, if there is anyone reading this who does not yet know this reckless, pursuing love, I pray Your love would be revealed to them. Lord, this love, is for everyone. It doesn’t matter what they have done, are doing, or will do, You want to love them! God I pray that those who do not know this love would have their eyes opened to how You have been surrounding them their whole life. God would they hear the gospel, and hear “it was all for love!” The cross was all for love! Jesus’ sacrifice was all for love! His resurrection was all for love! So that this person, the one reading this, could know You and come into relationship with You! So they could be freed from this world! God Your hand is right there in front of them and I pray that they would take it! That they would leap into this love that You have waiting for them! That Your love would change everything! That those who are surrounded with anxiety would experience peace! That those surrounded with depression would be filled with joy! That those consumed by apathy would feel again! Your all consuming love transforms, and I pray that these people, that You love so deeply, would have unveiled eyes to see it. God I pray for unveiled eyes for all to see this all consuming love, that You long to give every single person. Thank You for those who are going to know You deeply, even if they don’t know it yet. Thank You for Your faithful, pursuing, reckless love! Thank You Jesus!
Thank You Jesus for Your love. Even through this screen I pray people would begin to come into Your love more and more. And even those not reading this, I pray they also would come into Your love! Your love is the answer to everything. Thank You for Your love Jesus. Thank You Jesus for Your reckless, pursuing love!
In Your name I pray,
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